Saturday, March 30, 2013

Award Winners

So, what exactly is award winning children's literature? Just as movies are awarded an Oscar, children's literature is voted upon and some is put above the rest. We see a shinny medallion stuck to a cover a book and know it is (for some unbeknownst reason to us)what is deemed exceptional and should be read with our children or students. Just as the Oscars award movies for excellence in acting, screenplays and overall picture, the Newberry and Caldecott medals are supposed to place excellence in picture books above others. But what exactly do they measure?

Strating out as some reading for a children's literature class, I began to page through a long list of Caldecott and Newberry Medal and Honor winning books. As a teacher and well versed reader of children's literature (or so I thought), I was surprised to learn the quite a large number of the books I have never read. 

After asking myself, why I have not been reading award winning children's literature, I questioned why are these books noteworthy? And who determines that these books are above any other? My next steps were to discover these answers as I currently continue to seek these answers. This blog will be where I will be able to begin to answer these questions through m exploration of award winning books and how it all works.